Tuesday, 19 December 2017

11 Reasons to Buy New Eyeglasses This New Year

1. You’ve been wearing your current glasses for way too long
Sometimes, throwing your old eyeglasses away can be dis-hearting when you’ve spent a lot of time in them. But, if you don’t remember how long has it been - you need new ones.

2. People around you have made your spectacles your identification mark
Your spectacles have etched such an image on others that you’ve started to get identified only in your glasses. Break the monotony and step into the stylish world of eyewear fashion this 2018.

3. You’ve fixed your glasses with glue stick twice, already!
Your glasses are old and old things often don’t last long. Break them and get new ones before they can’t be fixed anymore.

4. The finish of your frame is wearing out, fast!
Have you felt your eyeglasses are chipping off? If yes, don’t wait. Get a new pair now!

5. You’re getting headaches with its weight
Your glasses are bulky and bold. It’s the trend for slim and light. Skip the past and enter the future. Get new glasses for yourself.

6. Your glasses have deep lines on them – called scratches
You’ve been cleaning your glasses with anything that comes first in your hands – from towels to T-shirts, Jeans to tissues and whatnots. Please Stop. Get some micro-fiber cloths and new eyeglasses this year.

7. The protective coating on your glasses is wearing off
With time, the protective coatings of the lenses can wear-off and leave blurry patches which are hard to clean (and avoid). If that’s happening to your eyeglasses. Leave them right away.

8. The style is too old to be in trend again
If you’ve kept your glasses in a safe-box inside your closet & are planning to wear them when the trend comes. Take them out and let them go before this year-end as 2018 will bring a lot of new styles to own. Which means, you’ll always have scope for new ones.

9. Or, the style may be in trend, but your glasses have passed their expiry date
If what you have on your eyes looks like it’s a fossil from 1300 BC. Leave them in the past. Enter this new year with a new pair of spectacles.

10. Your glasses don’t match any of your outfits
You bought a blingy pair in moment of excitement back then, but today, they don’t match any of your looks and get-ups. If that sounds like you – do some eyewear shopping online.

11. You simply need a makeover!
Change is the only constant – the same rule applies to your glasses. Get more than one pair in more than one style, color and shape to give your wardrobe a complete makeover this new year.

Coolwinks brings trendy new designs in eyeglasses & sunglasses from various popular brands like Graviate, JRS & XSTYL. Shop for your new look for the coming year from Coolwinks.com and flaunt your #cool style this 2018!

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