Friday 22 June 2018

Get Ready In A Jiffy With This Quick Checklist

You must be familiar with a saying as old as the ages, “the first impression is the last impression”. Rings a bell somewhere, right? Even the most undeterred naysayers find it hard to pass up on the mirror in the morning. Getting ready is a part of our vanity, and vanity itself is at the center of emotions. So, before you step out looking to conquer the world with the plethora of radiating glee, here’s a quick checklist to get yourself ready in just a jiffy.

1    . Dress According to the Occasion

Don’t dress wrong for any occasion. Get this line printed in bold text and paste it on your wardrobe. Getting your perfect closet ready according to the occasion is almost half the battle when planning to go out somewhere. Picture this, you pick out your favorite ethnic dress for the gathering & do all the hard work and suddenly when you reach the place it turns out that everyone else is wearing their finely crafted tailor-made suits. Now, there’s no actual proof that aliens were here, but you’ll certainly know how it feels to be alienated. So, avoid the facepalm situation and be street smart in your wardrobe choices.

2    . Sport a Cool Hairdo

Yep. Ladies & gentleman, it’s now time to flaunt those wondrous locks.                                           
Another essential necessity is the way you do your hair. Sporting a nicely done hairdo perfectly complements your attire & completes your look to the tune of max. Not to mention, a good-looking hairstyle says a lot about your personality and leaves a pretty good impression on those around you. So yeah, if you’re thinking of the next hair appointment, now is the best time than any.

3     . Flaunt Those Classic Shades

 Yes. Just like icing on the cake, if you’re looking to cap your flawless eyes from the Sun with some fun accessories, simply get yourself a pair of rollicking shades. With so many designs and styles at the disposal of your choosing, grab yourself a pair of Coolwinks sunglasses which perfectly suits your bill. If you just happen to be surfing the internet for a classy pair, login to & we’re sure that you’ll have something in your cart by the time you’ll finish reading this blog!

So, gear up for something amazing! Don your favorite dress, sport a cool hairstyle, put your sunnies on and get ready for the day ahead. And, if there’s something amiss in your style – who you gonna call. Ghostbusters! Nah. That came out wrong. :-P

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