Tuesday 4 September 2018

Eye Care Tips For This Monsoon Season

The rain gods are now singing in unison and it is the ideal time to relive what would be a perfect trip down the memory lane with the joyous dance moves in the shower and freshly brewed tea. With all the fun and merrier times rain brings with them, it is only wise to make sure that we don’t face any roadblock on our course to it. While it is always a relief getting done with the summers, the monsoon season calls for a special session when it comes to your well-being, especially in regard to the health of your eyes. 
So, what good habits we need, to keep our eyes safe in this weather? Let’s have a look.

1. Maintain Proper Hygiene

In monsoon, the weather becomes very much conducive for viral infections to spread. Infections like conjunctivitis, dry eyes, stye and corneal ulcers become a common occurrence and if not treated timely, these complications can cause serious damage, & in some cases, blindness as well. 
In such times, maintaining a proper hygiene is the way to go. Helpful tips such as not touching your eyes with dirty hands, proper sanitization of your belongings like mobile devices and computer, avoiding outside meal, abstaining from sharing your personal belongings like towels go a long way in keeping you secure from the seasonal ailments.

2. Wear Proper Eye Gear

Proper eyewear can help in limiting the chances of catching an eye infection. For those who constantly step out for their work, Sunglasses make for a valid addition. And for those who have their share of work on a computer, Eyeglasses with blue cut lenses are highly recommended, especially if it’s a long engagement with your digital screens everyday. Tailoring to your needs Coolwinks.com boasts a pitch-perfect collection of varied branded eyeglasses and designer sunglasses. Styling you with just the right amount of panache, these guard your vision duringthe monsoons and then some.

3. Avoid Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities like swimming should be avoided during the monsoon season. With chlorine bleached pool water, easily getting contaminated by the rain, it is considered best to avoid your precious overhaul dives as any contact with infected water might lead to eye irritation and subsequent red-eye.  

4. Keep At Bay From The Waterlogged Areas

Perhaps, the most adverse effect of incessant rains is the waterlogged areas in which we find ourselves in. Not only do they slow down the normalcy by which the society works, stagnant water becomes a cultured setting for bacteria and pathogens to thrive on. One should make sure that no such place surrounds their home or office premises as slight negligence in keeping an area clean might tax us with some not so wanting results.

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