Thursday 13 September 2018

Care Tips For A Great Swimming Session

Swimming is a fun activity. From being a recreational sport to some athletes taking it up as a profession, swimming is a great way to keep fit. It is perhaps one of the few exercises which involves full body movement. From proper head & neck positioning to a vigorous abdomen activity toning both our legs and hands, swimming offers a fully fleshed out regime for the fitness freaks among us.

But as fun as this aquatic plunge sounds, it requires extra vigil on our end to make sure that this playful sport doesn’t turn sour on us, especially when it comes to our eyes. Keeping our vision in check becomes all the more important during our stays in the pool. So, what tips come in handy when diving is on the cards? Let’s find out.

      1. Protecting your eyes with Goggles

We all know that the pools are chlorinated in order to keep clean. The process of bleaching is helpful in keeping the pool sanitized and away from all algae and micro-organisms from breeding. However, on the other end, chlorine treated water reacts very vigorously with our eye’s tear film. This film is responsible for keeping our eyes moist, smooth and clear. Those who swim regularly without a proper eye gear might complain of slight irritation or dry eyes as a result.

In order to get done with this uncomfortable practice, it is advised to carry protective goggles whenever you go swimming. Not only do they keep your eyes from getting in touch with the treated water, goggles make sure that your time for swimming remains ‘fun’.   

b    Keep yourself hydrated

Just like before indulging in any other sports swimming too requires for you to be hydrated. Having loads of water before getting your body to work helps avoid leg cramps and strain on neck & shoulders. If advised, doctor prescribed eye drops might come in handy in keeping your eyes fresh-looking and hydrated.

c     Avoid contact lenses when swimming

A big no during any water activity, contact lenses run a high risk of getting infected by bacteria/virus present in any water body (pool, ocean, hot tub etc.). Such infection on contacts increases the odds of corneal infection.

d     Maintain a proper diet

If you’re planning to nosedive, a meal covering all essential protein & vitamins is a must. Given how exhaustive a swimming session can be, a rich meal goes a long way in powering your body & sight through all the power laps.

For people hailing from various walks of life, swimming is perhaps the best option to stay fit & sound. And, as for keeping your eyesight in check, with its comprehensive
collection makes for a perfect choice with its diverse collection of sunglasses & eyeglasses.

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