Wednesday 28 August 2019

Computer Vision Syndrome: Symptoms & Treatment

The present age is all about computers, laptops, and mobile devices. These machines help us to execute various works including doing calculations, preparing spreadsheets, making calls, processing data, and so on. However, extended working over these devices can lead to several vision-related conditions including Computer VisionSyndrome which occurs due to the prolonged exposure to digital screens & devices.

Since every one of us is habituated in using these mobile devices in one way or the other, it is really important to understand its after-effects. Knowing what causes CVS, what its symptoms are, and how to take precaution against it would help people to keep their vision safe, healthy and strain-free.

How is our vision affected by computers or other digital screens?

When it comes to reading on a digital screen, it is quite different in comparison to reading a book. It often happens that the letters on the device look hazy or lose its sharpness when one continues to view screens for long hours. This is because of the glare from the screen often known or blue light which makes it difficult for one to focus. Computer Vision Syndrome is quite similar to various other repetitive motion injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome. It generally occurs because our eyes tend to follow the same path again and again. And it tends to get worse the longer one follows the movement pattern.

How can we detect if someone is suffering from Computer Vision Syndrome?

The first and foremost thing we should all understand is that there is literally no evidence supporting the fact that usage of digital screens can lead to long-term damage to the eyes. However, prolonged usage might lead to eye discomfort & strain. Some of the common and easy to detect symptoms are:

·         Blurred/double vision
·         Dry eyes
·         Red eyes
·         Irritation in the eyes
·         Neck pain
·         Headache

Let’s take a look at some of the simple and easy to incorporate steps to battle computer vision syndrome.

Reduce the amount of glare: Opt for changing the lighting around the computer in order to reduce the amount of glare from the screen. Try to close the source of light that’s causing the glare. If possible, add a glare filter to the monitor. Wear specialized Coolwinks Eyeglasses with Blue Light Blocker Lenses to avoid harmful effects of Blue Light.

Follow the 20-20 rule: This is quite an easy rule to follow. Look away from your screen every 20 minutes at something, which is at a distance of about 20 feet, for 20 seconds. Try to blink more often in order to keep your eyes moist.

Arrange your desk: Consider the placement of the monitor which should be a little below your eye-level and at a distance of approx. 20 to 28 inches from your face.

Don’t forget to visit an eye doctor periodically for check-ups and always keep the prescriptions handy and updated. Check out the wide range of Coolwinks computer eyeglasses for men and women by Graviate by Coolwinks, all crafted to protect the eyes from stress and glare. These eyeglasses are quite stylish and available in various designs.

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