Monday 18 January 2021

4 Easy Exercises For Healthy Eyesight

It’s not an easy task for anyone to sit tight at a desk & stare right into digital devices for hours at a stretch. Let alone looking at laptops, computers & tablets everyday for years down the line. So, it’s really not much of a brainer why we struggle to find our best sighting experience on digital devices & suffer from dry eyes, irritation, redness & watery eyes. After all, it is quite known that the excess of everything is bad. So, get ready & keep your eyeglasses aside (if you wear one) as we are about to begin with these easy exercises to keep your eyes at a 100%. 

1) Start With Palming Your Eyes

A simple warming trick for your eyes, this exercise will make you remember the early morning yoga classes. The process is pretty straightforward. Rub your hands together until they are warm & rest them on your closed eyes allowing zero light without any pressure. Repeat this for 3 or 4 minutes. This procedure relaxes your optic nerve which continuously works from the moment you wake up. 

2) Practice Distant Vision Exercise

Known to strengthen your sight, this routine works on your optic muscles helping you maintain the current vision level that you have. Begin by sitting on a chair with your back straight. Now, place your thumb at about 10 inches from your face and start focusing for the next 10-15 seconds. Next, focus on an object sitting at 10-20 feet for the same duration. Practice this 4-5 times a week in order to keep up with the results.

3) Make Figure 8 With Your Eyes

This instruct helps you a great deal in imparting flexibility to your peepers. What do you need to do? Well, simply make a figure 8 with your eyes for a couple of minutes looking at the floor & retrace the steps the other way around. This practice also toughens up your ocular muscles. 

4) Roll Your Eyes 

This basic exercise, right out of the PT books, has just one simple step. Sit or stand as per your convenience & roll your eyes clockwise for a few seconds. Repeat the exact same process counter-clockwise for the same duration. At the end of the drill, your eyes will feel much more relaxed. 

After finishing the set, remember to condition your eyes with the same palming drill mentioned above. 

You can also visit for more such tips & tricks to keep your eyes feeling fresh & healthy!

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